OPCC Family Membership

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We did not find your family's information. 

If you think you entered your Family ID incorrectly, click here to reenter your ID. 

If you have an OPCC Family Membership, but don't know your Family ID you can email OPCC by clicking here.

If you don't have an OPCC Family Membership, please click here to create an OPCC Family Membership.
Family Name & ID

Click Next to view and update your family information.
New Family Membership Information

Welcome to Oakville Parent-Child Centre!  

We are so happy to be welcoming you to our family.


 Your OPCC Family Membership allows you access to:

  • Free in person EarlyON programs

  • Free virtual EarlyON programs

  • Free Parenting Resources kits

  • Online registration for all licensed programs we offer including our half day, full day, camps and Oakwood Public School programs

Please complete this membership form in it's entirety including information about yourself, any additional adults that may attend programs with your child, and any children that may attend OPCC programs. 


If you have any questions, please contact us at:

info@op-cc.ca or 905-849-6366

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!


If you are an existing family, please click here to update your information.

General Family Information

Information for Professionals
Please note that as a professional looking to attend OPCC programs, you may receive an error message upon submission, however you will still receive the confirmation email required to register for programs upon submitting your membership. 
Primary Parent or Guardian
Please note that the primary parent/guardian is the person who will be contacted first in the case of an emergency.

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Additional Parent or Guardian?

Parent or Guardian

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Additional Family Contact Information
Please complete the information below for any adults, who may bring your child to EarlyON programs or an adult that can be contacted for a child in a drop off program in a case of emergency.  This information is needed for health and safety reasons. We appreciate your co-operation.
Primary Emergency Contact

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Please enter numbers only
Additional Emergency Contact/EarlyON Contact

Additional Emergency Contact/EarlyON Contact

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Child(ren)'s Information

Childs Health & Medical Information

Please enter numbers only

If there is no additional Information you need to provide, please write N/A

Child's Address - Only needed if different than account holders address